At Centro de Urologia Avanzada del Noreste S.A de C.V. We work to provide an honest relationship, as well as, an open communication with patients and their families; because each patient is unique, we offer a distinguished and respectful treatment in the healthcare process. Please read the following decalogue carefully.
Decalogue of Patient´s Rights. You have the right to:
¿Cuándo debo consultar al especialista?
- Si quieres saber los derechos del paciente en CUAN Hospital.
A high quality medical attention to our patients is a coordinated effort at CUAN. In addition to your rights, you must assume the following responsibilities:
- You must follow the rules and regulations of the clinic during your hospitalization.
- You must offer reliable and safe information about your current condition, past illnesses, hospitalizations, medications and other information related to your health to your best knowledge and understanding.
- Ask if you have not understood what it has been told about the healthcare or about what it is expected for you to do.
- Follow the treatment instructions as indicated by the physician.
- Accept the consequences of not following correctly the treatment instructions indicated by the physician.
- You must pay the costs derived from the medical care received or inform the hospital if you cannot pay the bill to make other arrangements for compensation.
- Act with respect and consideration towards the healthcare team and with other patients, not causing disturbance and disorder during hospitalization.
The staff that serves you and the customer service area will offer you additional information you require about your Rights and Responsabilities. Do not hesitate to request anything you require. At CUAN, the healthcare team is interested in protecting and enforcing your rights as a patient.
This document does not attempt to replace the indications or recommendations of your attending physician. Our goal is to promote an active participation in your care and treatment by providing information and education. Questions about particular health problems or specific treatment options should be discussed with your treating physician.
You can do this in ““Pregunta al experto” section.
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